Fall Protect Blog

Utilizing CapEx Funding for Fall Protection

Written by toby | Nov 1, 2021 12:24:08 PM

When it comes to workplace safety, there is good news, and there is bad news. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workplace fatalities have mostly dropped over the last 25-plus years, peaking at 6,632 in 1994.

The bad news is that the proportion of those deaths attributable to falls has been steadily rising. All other safety fatalities have shown a net decrease of 20%, except for falls—which have increased more than 46% in the same period. If fall fatalities had decreased similarly to other workplace fatalities, 4,296 lives could have been saved.


At Diversified Fall Protection, we are unceasingly committed to saving lives by delivering fall protection safety solutions. As your business examines its Q4 appropriations and begins budget planning for 2022’s capital expense funding, it’s imperative to consider the benefit of fall protection equipment.


Calculate the Hidden Costs of Avoiding Fall Protection 

It can be difficult to imagine the unthinkable, such as the loss of life or limb during a workplace accident. It’s much easier to hope it will never happen.


Some companies aren’t willing to expend the cost for something that may or may not happen. After all, suppose they’ve been lucky in terms of accidents so far — it’s human nature to assume that trend may continue.

But workplace safety doesn’t depend on luck.


However, we have one more bit of good news: Instituting a fall protection system can substantially support your business’s bottom line, in addition to saving lives.  


The alternative — hoping an accident doesn’t happen — can prove to be very, very expensive indeed. Under the most conservative estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a single death at the workplace will cost your business nearly $1 million. Just one slip. How long would it take to generate enough sales revenue to cover those costs? Not to mention the loss of man-hours, the OSHA fines and fees, bad publicity, declining morale, and the hit to your stock valuation.


The truth is, there is no guarantee in life that accidents will not happen. The safest and most conscientious workers can still make a misstep or be the victim of a freak accident. Relying on hope and luck leaves your business vulnerable to the worst possible outcomes.



Creating a Fall Protection Plan 

In contrast, installing a fall protection system protects your team and your business from this vulnerability.

If your business operates as so many do, you may be facing a “use-it-or-lose-it” moment with leftover Q4 funds.

The best possible use is maximizing those funds and minimizing future risk with a fall protection plan.


Lunch & Learn Sessions

Diversified Fall Protection prides itself on educating clients on all aspects of fall safety. We provide Lunch & Learn sessions to raise awareness on the safety risks associated with working at heights, as well as best practices and mitigation strategies.

These speaker sessions can have the added benefit of conveying to other leaders within your organization the benefits, importance, and value that an engineered fall protection program can provide.


Fall Hazard Site Assessments

Our fall protection specialists can travel to you to perform on-site hazard evaluations. By working with your team, our safety specialists can provide site-specific information regarding the actual risks and hazards associated with your facilities, along with recommending application-specific solutions tailored to meet your needs.  


Engineered Fall Protection Systems

Diversified Fall Protection’s engineering professionals specialize in a broad range of fall protection systems designed to save lives. Our experts design and engineer solutions that work for your business, facility, and budget starting from the ground up.


Additionally, our commitment to fall safety education means we provide the training, too --a mission-critical component of an effective fall safety program.


Maximize Your CapEx Funding 

Put your Q4 capital expenditure dollars to work with an investment that provides a measurable ROI for EHS concerns. For example, every dollar spent protecting workers and preventing accidents can save 200% in costs, damages, and liability.

Diversified Fall Protection can teach you what your business needs to know about fall safety hazards, safety regulations, mitigation strategies, and fall protection systems so you can preserve long-term capital against the expense of fall fatalities.


Contact our fall protection specialists to arrange a Lunch & Learn or site assessment, or reach out to request a quote. Your commitment to saving lives begins here.