Cable-Based Lifelines
Safeguard your facility with horizontal and vertical lifeline systems
Cable-based systems are an ideal fall protection solution in areas with adequate fall clearance. Whether your application is new construction requiring OSHA-compliant fall protection or you’re looking to improve existing facility safety, the experienced engineers at Diversified Fall Protection can design a system to meet your needs.

Types of Cable-Based Lifeline Systems
Cable lifelines are an excellent solution to many different fall protection applications. Horizontal lifelines allow for lateral movement across a worksite while keeping a user tied off and protected. Vertical lifeline systems are utilized on ladders and function as fall arrest in the event that the user loses grip and falls off the ladder.

Horizontal Lifelines
Excellent solutions for allowing for lateral movement, and available as both foot level or overhead applications.

Vertical Lifelines
All ladders installed after 2018 that are 24 feet or higher require fall protection. Vertical lifelines are excellent solutions for fall protection on fixed ladders.
See Our Cable Systems